November 8th, 2024
The Traverse City Rotary
Club Bulletin
Our Next Meeting -
November 12th, 2024
We will be meeting next on November 12th at The Coast Guard Air Station where the Coast Guard will be providing us with an exciting Veteran's Day Program!
Join the Zoom Meeting HERE
Meeting Responsibilities
DeGood, Chris
Happy Bucks
Mohr, Jayne
Powell, George
Bukowski, Art
Gratitude & Reflection
Nye, Homer
Guest Introductions
Melcher, Beth
Program Host
Weaver, Kennard R.
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Important Dates
Club Elections
Floor Nominations - November 12th @ The Air Station
Annual Meeting - November 19th
The slate of candidates is as follows:
For President for the 2026-27 Rotary Year: Max Anderson
For the 3 open Director seats for the 2025-26 Rotary Year:
Andrew Kohlmann
Chris DeGood
Regina Jaeger 
Quarter 1 Dues
Due - THIS FRIDAYNovember 15th
Service Committee Meeting
November 20th, 5:30pm-7, @ the second floor of the Governmental Center, 400 Boardman
Please RSVP with Charlie Hamlyn at
Program Committee Meeting
December 5th, 1pm @ Hagerty
Christmas Baskets
It's that time of the year again for Rotary Christmas Baskets! Steve Wade, Dale Chilcote & Dan Rickard need YOU to help make Christmas great for families in need and there are several ways you can participate. If you'd like to donate your time and be a shopper, please click HERE and fill out the form. You can also donate monetarily at any Tuesday meeting through December 2nd. You can contribute via cash, check, or by filling out a slip to charge your account. You can also fill out an online form by clicking the button below. 
GTRCF Matching Grant Program
Do you give to 501c3 organizations in the 5-county area? You can have those donations matched by the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation up to $250 a year, EVERY YEAR. Don't forget to take advantage of this great opportunity to help organizations in need. You can submit your form to prove your donation any time throughout the year and the funds are dispersed in December & June, so be sure to submit before December 1st if you still have funds that can be matched this year! Click the button below for the updated application and don't forget to also include a receipt/proof of your donation. Please return all forms to Liz at a meeting, by mail, or at
You can match your Christmas Basket donation by making out your payment via check to Rotary Camps & Services.
Volunteer Opportunities
IPR Pledge Drive
Interlochen Public Radio is hosting its Pledge Drive on Saturday, November 16th and 2 more Rotarians are needed who are interested in helping answer phones to take donations. No experience is needed, IPR will give you the rundown and feed you lunch! The shift is 8am-1pm and you can contact John Roddy at if you are interested in volunteering.
Upcoming Meetings
November 19th @ Hagerty
Inland Seas w/ Fred Sitkins
November 26th @ Hagerty
Homelessness w/ Dan Buron 
December 3rd @ Hagerty
National Alliance for Mental Health Northwestern Michigan w/ Kate Dahlstrom
December 10th @ Hagerty 
Rotary Charities
December 19th @ Hagerty
Christmas Music