Posted by Nick Killian
June 12th was a great day at Greilick Outdoor Recreation & Education Center (GOREC). This was the unofficial kickoff to summer for us as we were able to host the Rotary Club of Traverse City for lunch. It was nostalgic for many and completely new for others. Rotarians come to the dining hall and become entranced by the view of Rennie Lake. George the Moose and Rotarians became nostalgic; remembering their times spent at camp. That nostalgic camp feeling was the true program of the day. From the first gong of the bell to the singing and pledge, the dining hall was full of voices. Enthusiasm not heard within those walls in a long time.
It got even better with an invocation lead by Marsha Smith, Sharron Zimmerman, and Nick Killian. They led the "camp" in the "Johnny Appleseed Grace" as known by many campers. Al Bonney then led a rousing song of Dum Dum Da Da.... actions and all. It was a sight to behold. Lunch was provided by Chef's Pride Catering.
  • Mike Wills is looking for volunteers for building the USCG phase of the shipshape exhibit at the Discovery Center. Also looking for someone with experience putting on a fish boil for a community event on Discovery Pier in September
  • Sid VanSlyke & Katy McCain – Friends of the Boardman Watershed Gourmet Dinner will take place September 17, 2018
Sharron Zimmerman led off with a warm welcome and gave a little history of Rotary Camps & Services history with GOREC. She introduced Nick Killian who in turn brought forth two guest speakers. Shari Hintz was the first speaker sharing with the group her history with the Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Camps in Northern Michigan. As a mother with a daughter in Girl Scout and a son in Cub Scouting, she has found GOREC to be a place where all walks of life can enjoy the outdoors. The second speaker was Lisa Pointe. Lisa had no history with GOREC up until this spring where she volunteered to become a Climbing Instructor for GOREC. The weekend of the Rotary Show she spent her day's training with other volunteers learning how to operate the GOREC facilities. She spoke highly of the caliber of the people in the training and the curriculum itself. The day wrapped up with tours of GOREC. It is easy to listen to stories about the facility but it is another thing to be able to see it, hear it, touch it, live it.
A walking tour of 15 or more Rotarians led by Deb Lannen and Patti Leasure showcased the waterfront, campsites, cottages, fire bowl, and other program areas. 20+ Rotarians led by Cliff Wagner and Nick Killian went on a hay wagon ride and visited some of those same areas. It also included the Climbing Tower, Gordon Pharo Winter Lodge, Low Ropes Course, Adirondacks, and more acreage on the backside of the property. The hay wagon ride tour made possible by the Grand Traverse Conservation District's trailer. All parties were back to their vehicles shortly after 1:30 pm and back then to the "real world".
For GOREC, it was a phenomenal day. The weather was great but the company was greater. A special thanks to those who helped prepare and clean up from the day. Pat Parker, Becky Ewing, Marsha Smith, Stacey Foster, John Noonan, Kathy Bussell, Cliff Wagner, Patti Leasure, Deb Lannen, Lottie Wagner, and others I am sure. We look forward to the opportunity again in the future!!
Hayride Fun!